Jach's personal blog

(Largely containing a mind-dump to myselves: past, present, and future)
Current favorite quote: "Supposedly smart people are weirdly ignorant of Bayes' Rule." William B Vogt, 2010

Feature request to self: draft posts

I should really add some draft post functionality to this blog. Over the years I've had several and some of them I even finish but the way I keep the drafts around is just keeping the new post tab around as one of my hundreds of tabs. This used to be a lot more flaky and I'd lose some drafts that way, as the new post page is mostly just a simple textarea tag.

I also think I lost a few drafts when I did a tab migration from my old computer to my new computer and didn't think about some of the implicitly saved form state before I closed all the tabs on the old computer.

Anyway, it's just dumb to keep drafts around forever like this... And some I realize I should probably not post ever, or at least not for a long time, but I don't want to delete them, and I don't want to just stuff them in a corner of my file system....

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Japan Trip 6


Had another good trip to Japan from December 6th to January 9th. I didn't need to be gone so long, but I wanted to be available on the 7th for reasons. (An extra reason ended up being a tekken tournament I went to, which was cool.)

A bunch of day to day details are in my Happenings post so I'll just very briefly summarize some things here I guess.

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It's probably over

Back home after a month trip (Japan Trip 6, will make a separate post later). It's so nice to be home.

It was a great trip. But at the end I did force myself to verify something I had been expecting and assuming for nearly 3 years (let's call it summer 2022) -- I kept finding reasons to add 9s to my 99.99...% certainty, I think I ended on 7 nines -- but it's good to have that final bit of clarity and kill any lingering doubt, hope, or ambiguity. It'll hopefully let me heal and move on.

But yeah, it's probably over, because of it... by that I mean I should probably back away from a lot of things once more, unfollow and unsubscribe to a lot of accounts, re-evaluate life, and close this recent chapter. Reminds me of my previous obsession with MLP. The start of this chapter is arguably my descent into watching a lot of vtubers, which I believe started sometime in 2019. By 2022 I was almost done, but since March 11th, 2022, I was brought back, at least for one vtuber in particular. But yeah, might be time to fade away...

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Brief thoughts on maybe programmers are bad talk

I love the title, though the talk isn't quite a match. Whatever. The link is here:

Overall I thought it was a good discussion, but I'd have challenged Casey a bit more on the assembly stuff. And as usual he has some perspectives I really disagree with at the level he presents them at, but I think if we could talk and dig into it more we'd probably agree on a lot. He might even say my very poor understanding of certain things is sufficient for his goals, and that if everyone was at least as poor as me, things would be better. Perhaps. Anyway, remarks just on the assembly stuff for now.

Can you really learn to read assembly well without having to write a good amount of it? I'm skeptical. The reason I'm skeptical is because it doesn't actually help that much to know "xadd [r13+16], r14" means "exchange and add" etc. The reason assembly is so difficult to understand and to write in general, despite for each line it being trivial to know (in a platonic sense) the full before/after instruction state of the CPU, is that what we care about is almost always about the side effects at some other level of looking at things (I don't want to say abstraction). Those side effects can be very platform and hardware dependent, the mapping very custom, and I think it's hard to get a feel for how such mappings work just by reading, you need to write. There's a reason every computer engineer learns to write UART, SIP, and I2C protocol code, whether in C or assembly, and often has to inspect it with an oscilloscope: you can't learn well enough just looking at the block diagrams.

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Some brief thoughts on the Yudkowsky / Wolfram chat

Video here:

I'm reminded when I started writing blog posts, thinking: "Ah, I'll write about this topic, and then I'll never have to make this argument about it again! I'll just have people read this." Naive youth, I soon discovered. And I see the same with almost everyone EY has ever had a discussion with: they haven't read the Sequences, and it's really painful to see EY forced to try to compress parts of them in the space of a few sentences. They really are needed as a ground-level common pool of information and arguments and counter-arguments that have been made, some with conclusions, decades ago.

(In an attempt to preserve my naive dream, I don't care if people don't read anything I've written, none of it's particular good or original, but I don't really want to have a serious discussion about AGI with people who haven't at least read some of the SL4 archives. (I myself was just a lurker.) They're invariably going to raise points that were brought up way back then and resolved one way or another. I see this again and again with people EY talks to. People say "what about..." and there's an answer, it was already thought of and addressed decades ago.)

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Bad science reporting

This article about a new gout study is really quite annoying.

The headline: "Huge Study Shows Where Gout Comes From, And It's Not What We Thought". Pure clickbait. Nothing has changed the basic fact that gout is caused by a buildup of uric acid leading to micro crystals. The only thing the study has found is more genetic markers to make gout susceptibility more or less likely. Genetics having influence on these things is not surprising to anyone except perhaps blank slatists.

Gout is often associated with drinking too much or not eating healthily enough, but new research suggests genetics play more of a factor in developing the arthritic condition than previously thought.

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Game design considerations of phobias

There was a twitter thread a few days ago that ultimately got deleted because too many people made uncharitable reads of it. The underlying idea was a bit interesting though. I wanted to riff on it, and twitter's not a good place for that. So here's some unorganizeed thoughts.

The underlying idea was just wondering whether games that have well-known phobia-associated things in them (e.g. spiders) explicitly consider whether their game needs to have such elements, or could use something else.

Despite a recent post, I have done some game design.. and such a thought never entered my thinking. But I'm not a designer. Would Romero consider it? There's a spider in Doom. It didn't need to be there. Did he consider it in the context of arachnophobia existing? I doubt it... Others in the threads who have knowledge one way or another have brought up cases where it was considered, though. e.g. apparently Guild Wars 2 cut out a spider mount explicitly because of players with arachnophobia existing.

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